Friday, July 4, 2014

Exciting News

I am so pleased to announce that I've been signed by Bookcase Literary Agency. I'm excited about the vision they have for my work and enthusiastic about our future together as I pursue my writing career. I'm completely confident in the ability of my lovely agent, Flavia Siqueira along with her partner Meira Dias to help manage my career while seeking out the right publishers for my work.

This is a big and hopeful step to making my dreams come true that I'm working so hard for each and every day. Thank you to Flavia for believing in my story enough to take a chance on a new author such as myself.

You can find my author page on their website HERE and the agency catalog HERE where THERAPY is featured alongside many other amazing novels.

Thank you to each and every reader, blogger, fellow author and friend that has supported me along the way. There aren't enough words to express my gratitude for all you have done to motivate, encourage and inspire me. I look forward to continuing this journey with all of you.

God Bless,